Get your lean technology blueprint to cut costs, increase efficiency and futureproof products with minimal resources using data, AI and automation, from leading ex-Google executives.
We've trained executives at some of the world's largest companies to master Lean-Technology and build confidence in data, AI and automation, with no prior technical knowledge required.
Got dates in mind? Speak to our sales team.
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Join the live session in vr, from your laptop, or on-location
12pm - 12.45pm
Meet and connect with your group - either in Virtual Reality with your Metaverse Avatar in an Oculus Quest device or through your browser. If we're hosting an in-person session, you can put your tech away.
1pm - 2pm
Discover how tech companies use lean technology to find high-impact areas to use data, AI & Automation. Start solving your biggest problems, minimize failure and maximize your speed, even with fractional budgets.
2.15pm - 3pm
Flag your biggest daily challenges and contrast with other members of your group.
3.15pm - 3.45pm
Learn to optimize lean technology briefs for defining problems, conducting research & finding solutions.
4.15pm - 4.45pm
Stop debating where finite resources should be deployed. Simply and quickly align with stakeholders and prioritize opportunities for lean technology by using gates & matrices.
4.45pm - 5pm
A roundup of the day and our key learnings.
Jon Francis ran Google's “Data for Innovation" unit for close to a decade, helping to develop and evolve Google Ventures' Sprint methods, and overhaul ways of working across Alphabet, international government organizations and Google's brand partners.
"Blown away by the transparency and sheer quantity of concrete examples shared and their quality 5 stars!"
Marie Dobenesque
Global Food Director at Danone Nutricia
"Another excellent case study on how to break barriers and listen to customers."
Marita Alegre
European R&D Director at Church & Dwight
"Loads of great tools that anyone could implement."
Karen Poole
Head of Cross Category Product Development at Tesco
"Great to hear Jon speak with such passion and experience of his experience at Google."
Kate Ewart
Product Development Director at Tesco
"Very inspiring Masterclass, providing many useful tips and tools to bring back in the office and challenge ways of working."
Vivek Sirohi
VP R&D at Unilever
"It is scary how much data is on the internet and it is scarier how far we do not use it."
"Educational great easy takeaways for implementation."
Erik Sundermann
Development & Innovation at Sanofi
"A very practical course exploring the principles of innovation from back to front with many good examples and tools."
Jos Delis
Director of Global Technology at Momentive
"Methodology to unlock insights and evaluate ideas was so sound that I believe it could help."
Santiago Iturralde
EVP at Unilever
"Great class to get from experts the essential mindset and tools to lead true innovation projects across industries."
"Gives you a good view on how data can be used for creating new innovation and tools based on design thinking on how to further develop innovation ideas."
"Great insights into the world of digital innovation with some very useful real-life experience... in a fun and new VR format."
"Breaking out of standard ways of thinking."
"This masterclass has my wheels turning about how I can truly make a change in how we deliver innovation at speed. I've learned useful tools and ideas that I can immediately start leveraging in my day to day."
Our client, a global organisation specialising in consumer packaged goods, was facing a challenge. The company had 19 major internal product investments in the pipeline, and were struggling to decide which products to prioritise and allocate funding to. With limited resources, they needed to make strategic decisions to ensure the most impactful products made it to market.
Sign up for our masterclass today while seats are available. Join your peers from across industries to cut costs and increase efficiency with minimal resources using data, AI and automation. Flexible training from just £4,995 with no technical knowledge required.